at Design and Systems.
Project: COPERION K 2019
To get an permanent impression at a trade fair you either have to present a real technological innovation or a strong, visually well-staged message. In the best case you can offer both, but without any …
Project: COPERION K 2019
To get an permanent impression at a trade fair you either have to present a real technological innovation or a strong, visually well-staged message. In the best case you can offer both, but without any …
Project: Zeyko-Rack Configurator
Zeyko presents its new modular kitchen for the first time at the trade show »Living Kitchen 2019« in Cologne (14 to 20th January 2019). The»Zeyko Rack« meets the requirements of a new urban lifestyle. It is …
Project: Zeyko – Living Kitchen 2019
Zeyko presents its new modular kitchen for the first time at the trade show »Living Kitchen 2019« in Cologne (14 to 20th January 2019). The»Zeyko Rack« meets the requirements of a new urban lifestyle. It is …
Project: Zeyko – Living Kitchen 2019
Zeyko presents its new modular kitchen for the first time at the trade show »Living Kitchen 2019« in Cologne (14 to 20th January 2019). The»Zeyko Rack« meets the requirements of a new urban lifestyle. It is …
Project: Virtual Christmas tree
Until 2006, the Allersberger Gilardi manufactory made Christmas tree decorations out of gold and silver plates. A small museum has now been set up in a former manufacturing hall, informing about the history and production …
Project: Kyana
She is the artificial intelligence (AI) of the alphaJET coding system by Koenig and Bauer Coding, and we are very proud to introduce her to the public for the first time during this year’s Fachpack-show. …
Project: Coperion »60 Years ZSK«
The ZSK twin screw extruder, the “forefather” of all twin screw extruders, celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. Werner & Pfleiderer, known nowadays as Coperion GmbH, delivered the first co-rotating, closely intermeshing ZSK twin screw extruder in …
Project: Spontech Vertanext
Spontech represents many years of experience of leading spine surgeons, who incorporate their extensive knowledge from science and practice directly into the development of spontech products. Due to the demographic development, it can be expected that the …
Project: Spontech – DWG
From November 30th to December 2nd 2017, the 12th Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society (DWG) took place in Stuttgart. Design and Systems supported Spontech in presenting current developments. The result is a compact stand, …
Project: Powtech 2017
For the trade fair appearance of Coperion at the Powtech 2017 in Nuremberg (from 26 to 28 September 2017) we developed the following interactive applications: ATEX Installation The interactive »ATEX protection installation« presented the security features of …
Project: Zell am Main – Information Terminal
In the course of a restructuring of the town center, an information terminal was created for the community of Zell am Main, which provides useful information for tourists as well as for the citizens of Zell …
Project: CUBE Tech Fair
The CUBE Tech Fair is celebrating its premiere from May 10-12, 2017 at CityCube Berlin. About 250 global B2BStartups will be presenting their innovations from the areas of Digital Health & Life Sciences, Infrastructure & …
Project: Coperion »K 2016«
For the Coperion exhibition at the 2016 fair in Düsseldorf (from October 19 to 26, 2016), we developed various applications about the overall topic »Industry 4.0«. VR Plantsimulation (with HTC Vive) A simulation of a complete compounding …
Project: Coperion »K 2016«
For the Coperion exhibition at the 2016 fair in Düsseldorf (from October 19 to 26, 2016), we developed various applications about the overall topic »Industry 4.0«. VR Plantsimulation (with HTC Vive) A simulation of a complete compounding …
Project: Coperion »K 2016«
For the Coperion exhibition at the 2016 fair in Düsseldorf (from October 19 to 26, 2016), we developed various applications about the overall topic »Industry 4.0«. VR Plantsimulation (with HTC Vive) A simulation of a complete compounding …
Project: Coperion »The Virtual Reality Experience«
VR plant simulation (with HTC Vive) Using VR glasses, a complete compounding system was made comprehensible for customers. With this application, the virtual operation of a real plant was simulated. It enables to obtain detailed insights into processes, to plan …
Project: Vineum »Label-Generator«
For the Vineum in Meersburg we developed an interactive installation. The visitors can insert any label-name – thereupon the system generates 12 different variations. With your desired text the generator designs a personal and unique wine-label, which can be printed directly.
Project: Powtech 2016
For Coperion we developed a fair-concept, which focusses the customers product. Different components were visualized and rendered in intersections. The developed graphics consist of particles or were complemented with particle-simulations.
Project: ams i-mobility
31.03.2016 / 9:45 Uhr / Lecture: between reality and fiction. The car as extended »experience-space« Prof. Erich Schöls, Interaction Designer and Director Steinbeis Research Lab Design and Systems in Wuerzburg
Project: Speech: Cooperation-Forum with trade exhibition with the topic »automobile interieur
02/17/2016 Continental Arena Regensburg: Cooperation-Forum with trade exhibition with the topic »Automobile Interieur – Next Generation« Prof. Erich Schöls gives a lecture with the topic »The automobile as a portal to virtuality«. http://www.bayern-innovativ.de/interieur2016 Picture credits: Bayern Innovativ / BMW Group
Project: Speech: Mercedes-Benz »Future Talk« Berlin
How will the automobile of the future become a means of transport between reality and cyberspace? This is one of the questions Mercedes-Benz discussed with engineers, designers, scientists and journalists at this year's Future Talk …
Project: Mercedes-Benz Future Talk "Going Virtual" in Berlin
How will the automobile of the future become a means of transport between reality and cyberspace? This is one of the questions which Mercedes-Benz discussed with engineers, designers, scientists and journalists at this year's Future …
Project: Mercedes-Benz Future Talk "Going Virtual" in Berlin
How will the automobile of the future become a means of transport between reality and cyberspace? This is one of the questions which Mercedes-Benz discussed with engineers, designers, scientists and journalists at this year's Future …
Project: Interactive Showcase
»Design and Systems« developed an interactive showcase that uses a transparent display as front glass panel. The installation conveys the four main epochs of the abbey-history of Heidenheim. Visitors can interactively place the different original exhibits (one for …
Project: Wein-Kultur-Gaden
For the completely renovated medieval »Kirch Gaden« of Thuengersheim (a franconian wine-growing village) interactive exhibits have been developed. A virtualization of Thuengersheim allows entirely new »perspectives« on the franconian wine-village. Immersive design and information graphics merge into …
Project: Wein-Kultur-Gaden
For the completely renovated medieval »Kirch Gaden« of Thuengersheim (a franconian wine-growing village) interactive exhibits have been developed. A virtualization of Thuengersheim allows entirely new »perspectives« on the franconian wine-village. Immersive design and information graphics merge into …
Project: Wein-Kultur-Gaden
For the completely renovated medieval »Kirch Gaden« of Thuengersheim (a franconian wine-growing village) interactive exhibits have been developed. A virtualization of Thuengersheim allows entirely new »perspectives« on the franconian wine-village. Immersive design and information graphics merge into …
Project: localwebconference 2015
Die Zukunft der Mobilität wird eng mit dem lokalen Web verbunden sein, prognostizierte Vera Schmidt, Leiterin der Advanced User Experience bei Mercedes-Benz. Selbstfahrende Autos sind auf Informationen aus dem lokalen Netz angewiesen, und Fahrgäste haben …
Project: localwebconference 2015
Die Zukunft der Mobilität wird eng mit dem lokalen Web verbunden sein, prognostizierte Vera Schmidt, Leiterin der Advanced User Experience bei Mercedes-Benz. Selbstfahrende Autos sind auf Informationen aus dem lokalen Netz angewiesen, und Fahrgäste haben …
Project: Holographic Interface
We developed an interactive holographic 3D simulation of a »packaging-system« for Coperion. The exhibit recently was presented at the process and packaging fair »interpack 2014« (May 8 to 14 in Düsseldorf, Germany). The animated 3D model …
Project: Interpack 2014
Hologram exhibit on interpack (8. to 14. May 2014) in Düsseldorf. http://designandsystems.de/en/project/holographic-interface/
Project: Spherical // 4 million pixels
Two global leaders are pooling their expertise. K-Tron is becoming Coperion K-Tron. The introduction and presentation of this new network was the main task of the current »K Show« in Düsseldorf. For this purpose, »Design and …
Project: Extended Paper
For Coperion we developed an interactive product listing. It uses real time markerless video tracking to augment the listing booklet. It shows augmented product simulations, exploded diagrams and additional information for each product. The application was …
Project: Digital Spine
For Spontech Spine Intelligence we developed an interactive installation that communicates their innovative approach to spine surgery. In contrast to conventional methods, Spontech Spine Intelligence aims to provide predictable recovery of the spine geometry. The installation …
Project: DICE
Mercedes presents DICE at CES 2012
at Design and Systems.